How to Navigate this Blog

Sorry folks, but there doesn't seem to be an order in which we can post things other than chronological. So please drop-down all the headings for each month in the Blog Archive below in order to find those items of interest to you. We've tried to label them clearly.

Or you can just scroll down the whole page to see all posts.


late 2012 highlights

Hi Everybody,

Here are some videos of Eden over the last few months.

1) Eden reading a book about making pancakes.
 Looks like it is too big to post- sorry Lenni.

2) Eden singing Garrison Starr.

3) Eden putting the star on the Christmas tree at the farm.

4) Eden playing at Grandma's school with Uncle Joe.


Saturday, September 8th

Extra fun day today- Eden got to go to the playground with Aunt Star!


Hi Everybody,

I was looking over the website and realizing that almost all the video posted was taken by me. To make up for this, here is a compilation video of some of Courtney's awesome camerawork over the last two years.

take care,


September 3rd (Labor Day)

We hadn't made it to Rainier much this summer, so it seemed fun to go to Sunrise and try the hike to the Mount Fremont Lookout, an old fire lookout on the north side of the mountain. Eden did a good job doing some hiking and early in the trip had a excellent sense of navigation.

On the way back she was a bit more tired, but the scenery was excellent.

By the time we got back to Frozen Lake she was feeling a bit giddy with inspiration, leading her to write the song "Ice in the Wawa".
 From the sound of it this will be  the pop hit she uses to fund her other project, an Opera where all of the characters are either sheep or cows, tentatively titled "Moo Moo Baa".


Best of August

We had a busy August- went to the farm, then Jim got married, and then we spent a week in New York. Here are some highlights.

                                          Walking down Tiffany Valley Road with G&GG.

Finding eggs.

Eating ice cream

riding the carousel

watching Uncle Jim and Aunt Star ride off to their mini-moon

running around in Brooklyn

getting a part time job with the MTA

Waiting on a subway platform

herding other babies


July 24th

Eden is a little under the weather today, but her writing is really coming along nicely.
Bonus video: here is Eden asleep on the couch.


July 15th

Today I took some video down at Gasworks. Eden really enjoys puddles.
Note that the Space Needle has the top painted orange, which apparently was the original color at the world's fair 50 years ago.
We wandered down the the water, threw some rocks in, and then as we wandered back saw a bunch of pretty and small birds flying very low to the ground.

July 14th

Courtney's friend Schuyler was in town this weekend, so we went down to Pike's Place to eat piroshky.
You can see the fish throwing station in the background and I pan to the pig for part of it. From there we had a brief stop in a section of SAM with a terrifying wall mural where Eden posed for pictures.
After a nap we went to the park where Eden learned that flatulence is always funny.


stuffed animal party

When Eden came home today, most of her stuffed animals had gathered in a circle for a party. She was excited about this and I helped her pass out one giant lego block to each of them. Later, she made the mistake we all have at one point or another and tried to play matchmaker for a moose and an octopus.

And the first tiny bit of this video was taken by Eden- she is pretty fascinated with the camera.


4th of July/Anniversary #3

Hi Everybody,

Courtney and I spent our anniversary wandering around Seattle with the little one. First we visited an old friend who lives under a bridge by our old apartment.
As you can see, Eden was excited at first, but soon all of her attention went into doing this...
Soon we wandered on to the Fremont Waterfront, with the faint taste of baby thrown grit in our mouths.
It was tiring, but despite the fact that it was our anniversary and we had done the pushing the last time, someone insisted that she get to nap in the stroller on the way back.
Note the festive tree and the atypically poor camera work, also the attractive gentleman in the red hat.

take care,


Hamlin park and dog training

I tried to get some good videos at Hamlin park, though it is tough when your subject expects you to stand one step behind them at all times and complains when you do not.

Still lots of fun was had on the slide.

Later she worked on her dog training.


best game ever

Yes, Eden has her father's deep seated love of cleaning.



Eden likes books a lot, mostly picture books, but every now and then...
this will probably be the last 'greatest hits' video from the last year- I'll start posting current stuff soon.

take care,

more dancing

Also an old video, this time listening to 'Norma Jean', a great song by the Art Sorority for Girls. Check them (or really him) out if you get the chance.
and part two of the dance, this time with attempts at percussion.


Summertime again

Hi Everybody,

Now that summer is back and I have a working computer again, I thought I'd restart the blog. To start out, here is a video from a while ago of Eden dancing to Ash's song 'Petrol'
take care,


Save the Date!

When: Saturday, July 4, 2009
Where: Forster Farm / Nelson, WI 54756

This is the farm John's mom grew up on, and has been his parents' permanent residence since they retired and moved there from the Bronx in the summer of 2007.

Nearest major airport: Minneapolis-St Paul (about 2 hours)
Nearest major city: Eau Claire, WI (about 45 minutes)